Criminal Justice System

  1. 6. A sentencing principle aimed at physically preventing offenders from reoffending
  2. 7. This has been removed as a mitigating factor that judges can consider
  3. 9. A judgement used in determining future sentences
  4. 10. A type of sentencing that sets out compulsory minimum punishments
  5. 11. A new type of offence carrying a mandatory minimum sentence is __________ causing death
  6. 13. A sentencing principle aimed at punishing an offender
  7. 14. A sentencing principle aimed at discouraging future criminal behaviour
  8. 16. The NSW Government has recently introduced laws providing for __________ for early guilty pleas
  9. 17. A criminal sentence is a __________ imposed by the state
  10. 18. A hearing that determines an offender's punishment
  1. 1. Mandatory sentencing undermines the ____________ of powers
  2. 2. A factor that increases the severity of a sentence
  3. 3. A sentencing principle aimed at treating the underlying cause for criminal behaviour
  4. 4. The main piece of legislation governing sentencing in NSW is the Crimes (Sentencing _______) Act 1999
  5. 5. The NSW Government has introduced laws governing non-__________ periods
  6. 8. Courts are now able to take these into account when sentencing offenders in certain cases where a victim is deceased
  7. 10. A factor that reduces the severity of a sentence
  8. 12. The offender in the Thomas Kelly case
  9. 14. Judges are given this in the sentencing process
  10. 15. No judicial officer can impose a penalty higher than this