Criminal Justice System

  1. 3. this type of crime happens in the workplace, like fraud or embezzlement
  2. 4. punishment, also referred to as probation, in which criminals are not in jail but heavily monitored for a set period of time
  3. 6. less serious crime, like a traffic ticket
  4. 9. the death penalty as a result of a major crime
  5. 10. formally accused of a crime
  6. 11. crimes against people are always considered ______ by definition, even if nothing aggressive happened
  7. 13. this is an example of a crime against property, where someone's property gets stolen
  8. 14. a set amount of money to get someone out of jail until their court date
  9. 15. court process with a jury where both groups get a chance to argue, ask questions, and provide evidence in a case
  1. 1. punishment in which criminals are sent to prison for a set amount of time
  2. 2. the time when the defendant appears in front of the judge and pleads either guilty or innocent
  3. 5. a major crime with serious consequences (murder, kidnapping)
  4. 7. the group of people in charge of preventing crime and arresting criminals
  5. 8. people under the age of 18
  6. 12. _________ cause: police need this in order to arrest criminals with a good reason