Criminal Justice System

  1. 3. All suspects who have been thought to have committed a serious crime have the right to hire a ____ ____.
  2. 6. What is the most serious sentence?
  3. 8. The incarcerated normally spend time in either ____ or ____.
  4. 10. Most crime is handled with ____ and ____ Governments.
  5. 11. What large group investigates the presented evidence in a court?
  6. 15. This is where prisoners may be able to appeal their sentences.
  7. 18. A plea of guilty sometimes results in negotiations between the prosecutor, and the ____.
  8. 19. Many juveniles are sent to ____ programs to not suffer from incarceration.
  9. 20. The more arrests one has, the more likely they are to be arrested ____.
  10. 22. Limits of discretion ____.
  11. 23. Where the accused is told their punishment and asked to enter a plea of charges.
  12. 24. If a judge does not find a probable cause, the case must be ____.
  1. 1. When juveniles are incarcerated, the case is formally handled by filing a ____ ____.
  2. 2. The condition where you can release a prisoner before their time is fully served.
  3. 4. Once released from incarceration, juveniles are normally ordered this in order to teach them a lesson.
  4. 5. Each State and the Federal Government has its own ____ ____ ____.
  5. 7. Judges see whether or not there is a _____ _____ to keep the suspect.
  6. 9. Who decided whether or not charges will be filed on someone who committed a crime?
  7. 12. The accused person pleads this when there is a penalty and wishes to not admit guilt.
  8. 13. A person who is thought to have committed a crime.
  9. 14. A ____ ____ occurs when a decision could be made at first glance.
  10. 16. What is the maximum age in most states to be sent to juvenile prison?
  11. 17. A person accused of a serious crime is guaranteed a ____ ____ ____.
  12. 21. ____ also has a criminal justice system to help with bank robberies and kidnapping.