Criminal Justice Terminology

  1. 3. unlawfully killing of a person by another person; includes murder and manslaughter.
  2. 4. admission of enough facts to establish guilt of a particular crime.
  3. 6. theft of property from a person using force or the threat of force.
  4. 8. a person who is not the chief offender but is involved in some way; accomplice or abettor
  5. 11. behavior accompanying a crime which increases its intensity or adds to its consequences beyond what is necessary for the commission of the crime itself.
  1. 1. elected chief officer of a county law enforcement
  2. 2. person less than 18 years old; also known as a minor.
  3. 4. agreement between two or more people to commit a crime.
  4. 5. cause facts and circumstances providing reasonable justification for an seizure, search warrant.
  5. 7. entering a property or room with the intent to steal items from the premises
  6. 9. written issued by a judge directing an officer to perform an arrest, search or seizure.
  7. 10. office of law responsible for investigating crimes(rather that patrolling or responding)