Criminal Justice TK 2

  1. 2. Warrant A warrant that allows the police to arrest someone
  2. 5. A person who breaks the law
  3. 6. Less serious crimes
  4. 9. Is charged when a less serious crime is committed
  5. 10. Cause The officer must have enough evidence that a crime was committed
  6. 12. When someone is guilty or not guilty
  7. 13. Bargain When the defendent pleads guilty to a less crime
  1. 1. crimes When another person isn't involved in the crime he or she commits
  2. 2. Finding the defendent not guilty of a crime
  3. 3. crimes None violent crimes (Copyright violations and fraud)
  4. 4. A person under the age of 18
  5. 5. Justice System A three-part system that consist of police, courts, and corrections
  6. 7. When a person is found guilty of breaking the law
  7. 8. Any act that breaks the law
  8. 11. Gives the person time to show they can do good