Criminal Justice Unit 3

  1. 3. reasonable suspicion that a crime has taken place, or that evidence of a crime is imminent
  2. 6. number of district courts in the U.S.
  3. 7. most heavily debated freedom in the 1st Amendment
  4. 10. resolving a law breaking matter according to established rules of law enforcement
  5. 11. a legislative act that declares someone guilty of a crime and assesses a punishment without providing a trial to prove the crime
  6. 12. number of amendments in the U.S. Constitution
  7. 14. first 10 amendments in the Constitution
  8. 15. view of an amendment where it must be followed just as it was written
  9. 17. court that is the first place that constitutional law is challenged
  10. 18. exists in the Supreme Court to determine the constitutionality of laws
  11. 20. a brief non-intrusive police stop and search of a suspect
  12. 22. introduction to the Constitution
  13. 23. punishment such as torture and unnecessarily painful types of punishment
  14. 24. the amount of money the court assesses to an accused for their temporary release from incarceration while waiting for their trial date
  15. 25. number of articles that make up the U.S. Constitution
  1. 1. an order a judge must sign to give permission for authorities to search
  2. 2. amendment that guarantees equal protection under the law
  3. 4. a more loose interpretation of an amendment
  4. 5. the interpretation and application of the articles and amendments written in the United States Constitution
  5. 8. amendment that guarantees freedom of speech
  6. 9. Areas such as pastures, wooded areas, open water, and vacant lots do not need to comply with the requirements of warrants and probable cause
  7. 13. amendment that is to protect a citizen's right to privacy
  8. 16. determining if an officer had the authority to perform a warrantless search
  9. 19. amendment that states "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."
  10. 21. the legislature cannot use its statutory authority to pass laws that would penalize behavior that occurred before the act or omission became illegal