Criminal Justice Vocabulary

  1. 1. multiple, firearm, homicide incidents, involving 4 or more victims at one or more locations close to one another.
  2. 5. A genetic population group of people who share a common ancestor.
  3. 7. A tax levied on profit from the sale of property or an investment.
  4. 8. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
  5. 10. A gun rights advocacy group based in the United States.
  1. 2. The adjustment in the cost basis of an inherited asset to its fair market value on the date of the decedent's death.
  2. 3. A dark brown to black pigment occurring in the hair, skin, and iris of the eye in people and animals.
  3. 4. The combination of what you own (your assets) and what you owe (your liabilities)
  4. 6. A form of prejudice in which a person believes in the superiority of what they consider to be their own “race” over others.
  5. 9. A categorization of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into groups generally viewed as distinct within a given society.