Criminal Justice Word Wall 4 Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. An assessment of the risk level probationers pose to the community and themselves.
  2. 5. Sentencing is aimed at reducing future criminality by treating and eliminating the underlying causes of crime.
  3. 7. A state correctional facility designed to hold convicted felons while they serve their criminal sentence. (State Prison)
  4. 10. An administrative act performed by a parole authority that removes a person from parole, or a judicial order by a court removing a person from parole or probation, in response to a violation on the part of the parolee or probationer.
  5. 12. A prison term that is delayed while the defendant undergoes a period of community treatment. If the treatment is successful, the prison sentence is terminated.
  6. 14. Defendants may be asked to confront their behavior, the damage they caused the victim, and the shame they brought to their family, friends, and community. The goal is satisfying everyone's need and restore the wrongdoer to good standing in society.
  7. 16. The policy of keeping dangerous criminals of confinement to eliminate the risk of their repeating their offense in society
  8. 19. A state or federal correctional institution for incarceration of felony offenders for terms of 1 year or more. (State or Federal)
  9. 20. A correctional policy that allows inmates to leave the institution for vocational or educational training, for employment, or to maintain family ties
  10. 21. A correctional facility designed to hold pretrial detainees and misdemeanants serving their criminal sentences. (County Jails)
  1. 1. Prison sentences for two or more criminal acts, served one after the other.
  2. 2. Levying a money payment on offenders to compensate society for their misdeeds.
  3. 3. The process in which a probation officer settles cases at the initial appearance before the onset of formal criminal proceedings.
  4. 6. Sentencing is aimed at sparing non-dangerous offenders from the stigma and labeling of a criminal conviction and involvement with the justice process
  5. 8. The medieval practice of allowing offenders to go unpunished if they agreed to refrain from any further criminal behavior
  6. 9. Prison sentences for two or more criminal acts, served simultaneously and run together.
  7. 11. A condition of probation in which the offender repays society of the victim of the crime for the trouble the offender caused.
  8. 13. A sentence entailing the conditional release of a convicted offender into the community under the supervision of the court (in the form of a probation officer), subject to certain conditions for a specified time
  9. 15. The action or practice of awarding each person his or her just due. Sanctions based on equity seek to compensate individual victims and the general society for their losses due to crime
  10. 17. An alternative sanction that requires an offender to work in the
  11. 18. at such tasks as cleaning public parks or working with disabled children in lieu of an incarceration sentence.