Criminal Justice - Words To Study

  1. 2. manslaughter killing of a human being in which the offender acted during the heat of the moment under circumstances that would cause a reasonable person to become emotionally or mentally disturbed to a point that they cannot control themselves
  2. 4. suspicion requires that officers have a reason to suspect criminal activity before detaining someone
  3. 5. a writ ordering a person to attend a court
  4. 6. a hearing. formal reading of criminal charging
  5. 8. punishment another phrase for death penalty
  6. 12. searches any search of a person or property without a search warrant from a judge
  7. 16. less serious than a felony
  8. 17. an inconclusive trial, or one in which the jury cannot agree on a verdict
  9. 18. an application to a higher court for a decision to be reversed
  1. 1. rule law that prohibits use of illegally obtained evidence in a criminal trial
  2. 3. hearing final step in criminal prosecution, where the court orders the guilty party’s penalty
  3. 6. of counsel the right to have an attorney defend him or her at trial
  4. 7. bargaining when the defendant pleads guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for a more lenient sentence or agreement to drop other charges
  5. 9. manslaughter unintentional killing that results either from recklessness or criminal negligence
  6. 10. degree murder when the person has a specific intent to kill or inflict great bodily harm
  7. 11. detention detaining of an accused person in a criminal case before the trial has taken place
  8. 13. more serious than a misdemeanor
  9. 14. doubt proof that must be exceeded to secure a guilty verdict in a criminal case in a court of law
  10. 15. jury jury that will consider a case fairly, without favoring or discriminating against anyone
  11. 19. intentional act of swearing a false oath or falsifying an affirmation to tell the truth