Criminal Justices

  1. 3. theft of something on property
  2. 4. persuading someone
  3. 6. taking something without paying
  4. 8. burning of anothers property
  5. 9. Excuse from a problem
  6. 11. something you need
  7. 13. Mental Excuse
  8. 14. destuction of property
  9. 17. Protecting a client
  10. 19. A suspision with reason
  11. 20. taken money that someone was entrusted to
  1. 1. A paper form a reasonable arrest
  2. 2. to go to jail for a crime
  3. 5. A paper that allows a search of a property
  4. 7. the cause for your arrest
  5. 10. stealing from someone by force
  6. 12. a state of drunkeness
  7. 15. to put presure on someone
  8. 16. Biological evidence
  9. 18. to make fake documents to commit a fraud