Criminal Law # 1

  1. 4. this is a less serious crime and usually requires jail time and you don't lose your rights
  2. 7. The act of encouraging someone to do something illegal
  3. 9. someone who helps another person commit a crime
  4. 10. if you commit this you go to prison and lose all your rights and it's hard to find a job if released
  1. 1. a crime of _____ is when a person FAILS to act and as a result someone gets hurt
  2. 2. A accessory ______ the fact may hide you or get rid of your gun
  3. 3. this is an agreement between 2 or more people to commit a crime
  4. 5. The person who actually commits the crime
  5. 6. This is when someone who tries to commit a crime but is not successful
  6. 8. An accessory ______ the fact might get you a gun to commit a crime