Criminal law 1

  1. 3. Refers to unlawful fighting which terrifies others of a reasonably firm character. A fight consisting of two or more persons in a public place.
  2. 6. refers to more than three armed malefactors acting together in the commission of anoffense.
  3. 7. of office or position A felony committed by any public officer who, before the acceptance of his resignation, shall abscond his office to the detriment of the public.
  4. 10. Refers to a sworn statement in writing; declaration in writing made under oath before an authorized officer.
  5. 11. The annulment or destruction of another law.
  6. 13. Refers to the killing of an individual by treacherous means or design.
  7. 17. to a piece of metal stamped with certain marks and made current at a certain value.Compound Crime Refers to a single act performed by the offender, that constitutes two or more grave or less grave felonies.
  8. 18. Cause Are those where the act committed is a crime but for reason of public policy and sentiment there is no penalty imposed.
  9. 19. of a Person in Authority One who by direct provision of law, or by appointment by competent authority, is charged with the maintenance of public
  10. 21. refers to anything that occur outside the sway of man's will.
  11. 22. practiced by a physician or midwife and dispensing of abortive. The penalties provided in Article 256 shall be imposed in its maximum period
  12. 24. a minor In order to hold one criminally liable for this crime, the offender must have abandoned the child with deliberate intent. The purpose of the offender must solely be avoidance of the obligation of taking care of the minor.
  13. 26. Low on procedure and court organization; opposite of substantive law.
  14. 28. Refers to communication by means of letters or it may refer to the letters which pass between those who have friendly or business relation.
  15. 29. penalty refers to that penalty which is deemed included in the imposition of the principal penalty.
  1. 1. to determine judicially.
  2. 2. to the unlawful act of any public officer or employee who accepts an offer of a bribe from any person
  3. 4. Refers to violent expulsion of the embryo from the material womb which results in death of the fetus. Or the willful killing of the fetus in the uterus.
  4. 5. Refers to the act of taking away a woman from her house or other place where she may be for the purpose of carrying her to another place with intent to corrupt or marry her.
  5. 8. Willful desertion or forsaking of parental duties.
  6. 9. A contract or relationship whereby a person binds himself to render some service or do some act in representation of another with the consent or authority of the latter.
  7. 12. of Attainder Refers to a legislative act which inflicts punishment without trial.
  8. 13. Ictus Mistake in the blow, occurs when the offender intending to do an injury to one person actually inflicts it on another.
  9. 14. against chastity - The penalties of prison correccional in its medium and maximum periods and temporary special disqualification imposed:
  10. 15. and Battery Is merely a physical attack or is a threat to strike someone. The act of striking is referred to as battery.
  11. 16. Means to dwell together in the manner as husband and wife, for some period of time.
  12. 18. of Discretion to render or Failure exercise sound and reasonable judgment.
  13. 20. The word attack includes any offensive or antagonistic movement or action of any kind.
  14. 22. Refers to any bodily, movement tending to produce some effect in the external world.
  15. 23. Refers to the act of introducing any dangerous drug into the body.
  16. 25. Malicious and willful destruction of property by fire.
  17. 27. of Person in Danger and Abandonment of one's Victim A felony committed by failing to render assistance to any person whom the offender finds in an inhabited place wounded or in danger of dying, when he can render such assistance without detriment to himself, unless such omission shall constitute a more serious offense.