Criminal Law

  1. 5. the killing of a mother by her son or daughter.
  2. 7. someone who encourages or helps another person to commit a crime.
  3. 8. help from an independent person (a mediator) to solve differences between a husband and wife whose marriage has broken down.
  4. 9. one of the people who are acting as a jury.
  1. 1. a judge suspending or cancelling punishment for an offence.
  2. 2. the condition of having two wives or two husbands at the same time
  3. 3. _________order an order by the High Court. It gives the applicant permission to search the defendant's premises for evidence, inspect it and take it away. It is intended to prevent evidence being destroyed or hidden which would be relevant to the case. (Since April 1999, this has been known as a 'search order'. (2)
  4. 4. the intentional and generally vicious false accusation of a crime or other offense designed to damage one's reputation.
  5. 6. a claim that a person was elsewhere when a crime was committed.