Criminal Law

  1. 3. intentionally falsely makes, completes, alters, written instrument
  2. 4. unlawfully enters in dwelling of another
  3. 8. knowingly places another person in fear of SBI
  4. 9. knowingly damages real/personal property of another
  5. 12. Cause SBI to another with DW and intent
  6. 13. intentionally depriving other person of thing of value
  7. 14. the name for "treat people the way you want to be treated"
  8. 16. building a relationship with subjects on scene
  9. 17. person who committed the crime
  10. 20. recklessly drives vehicle and cause SBI
  11. 21. incident between two people in an intimate relationship
  12. 22. amount of evidence needed to charge a person with a crime
  13. 23. remain silent, anything you say will be used against you in court
  14. 24. a CFS that is currently happening
  15. 26. fighting in a public place
  1. 1. another phrase for situational awareness
  2. 2. knowingly breaks into building/occupied structure with intent to commit crime therein
  3. 5. pushing, kicking another person
  4. 6. an incident that happened 30 minutes ago or more
  5. 7. someone who sees the crime
  6. 10. knowingly prevents an officer from making an arrest
  7. 11. to diffuse a situation or calm people down
  8. 15. as an officer being able to make a decision
  9. 18. a CFS that just happened and suspect may still be in the area
  10. 19. having this while on scene and dealing with public
  11. 25. takes anything of value with force or threats