Criminal Law

  1. 2. the degree or extend to which a case must be proved in court
  2. 5. are criminal offence that are committed using computers
  3. 6. when lower courts must follow decisions of a higher court
  4. 7. an independent group of people chosen at random to decide evidence in a legal case
  5. 8. an act of omission that is against existing law, harmful to an individual or society as a whole and punishable by law
  6. 11. law made by judges through decisions made in cases
  7. 13. the release of an accused person from custody on a condition that they will attend a court hearing to answer charges
  8. 16. a penalty imposed by a court
  9. 18. the body that creates legislation
  10. 20. the highest court in Victoria
  11. 21. when an indictable offence is heard as a summary offence
  12. 22. a serious offence generally heard before a judge and jury in the County Court or Supreme Court
  13. 24. where the mens rea for a crime is not required
  14. 25. a term used to describe the willingness of members of a society to cooperate which each other in order to survive and prosper
  15. 26. are criminal offences undertaken in a planned and ongoing manner by organised criminal syndicates or gangs
  1. 1. a Latin term meaning 'incapable of evil'; the principle that a child aged between 10 and 13 years i presumed to be incapable of forming a mens rea
  2. 2. a minor offence generally heard in the Magistrates court
  3. 3. the party bringing the case in criminal law
  4. 4. a Latin term meaning 'guilty mind'
  5. 9. another terms for the difference between two things
  6. 10. a person who knowingly assists another person who has committed a serious indictable offence to avoid being apprehended, prosecuted, convicted or punished
  7. 12. a Latin term meaning 'a guilty act; the physical element of a crime
  8. 14. a person charged with a criminal offence
  9. 15. are criminal offences motivated by prejudice and bias against another person or group of people based on personal characteristics
  10. 17. the standard of proof in a criminal case
  11. 19. the obligation of a party to prove a case
  12. 23. the offender who commits an offences and has carred out the actus reus