Criminal Law

  1. 4. _____ is generally not a defense to homicide
  2. 8. voluntary intoxication can only negate the mental state for _____ intent crimes
  3. 9. conscious disregard of a substantial and unjustifiable risk
  4. 11. conscious disregard of a risk that is practically certain to occur
  5. 14. generally, to fulfill the act requirement, the act must be _____
  6. 15. crimes without a mental state are usually called public ____ offenses
  7. 17. majority of jurisdictions use this test for insanity
  8. 19. when the law is so vague that a reasonable person must guess as to its meaning, it invites arbitrary enforcement, and fails to give fair notice, the law is void for _____
  9. 20. mental state of purpose, knowledge, or recklessness
  10. 21. when one consciously desires the result
  11. 23. someone can be held responsible for a crime when they do nothing but have a legal ____ to act
  12. 24. these crimes only require an act and a mental state
  1. 1. In order to claim self-defense, one's actions must be reasonable, necessary, and ________
  2. 2. body of government that creates crimes
  3. 3. to be convicted of depraved heart murder, one must have the mental state of high _____
  4. 5. doctrine that applies the Bill of Rights to the states
  5. 6. interprets statutes and applies the law
  6. 7. almost all crimes require ____, result, and mental state
  7. 10. branch of government that enforces the law
  8. 12. two types of affirmative defenses - 1) justifications and 2) _____
  9. 13. mistake in ____ is generally not a defense to a crime
  10. 16. to claim self-defense, you cannot be the ____
  11. 18. a crime is morally _______ behavior against society
  12. 22. trespassory taking and carrying away personal property of another with the intent to deprive them permanently