  1. 1. It is a visible representation of any organ of the body to create an apprehension in the mind of other that criminal force is about to inflict on him.
  2. 7. An intention that is shared by all who are involved in a particular act.
  3. 9. It means to enter into someone’s property or right to use of enjoyment without prior consent.
  4. 10. Murder Except in the cases hereinafter excepted, culpable homicide is murder, if the act by which the death is caused is done with the intention of causing death,
  5. 11. An act to deceive someone with the intent to defraud.
  6. 12. To capture the image of a woman when she is engaged in some private act. Where she has a reason to believe that no one can see her.
  7. 13. Attempts to commit offences.
  1. 2. Criminal intimidation
  2. 3. A person who is incapable of committing a crime due to reason of age. It is for the age group 0-7 years old.
  3. 4. offence It is an offence in which a police officer can arrest a person without warrant.
  4. 5. A person who is discharged from all his charges or liabilities in a case.
  5. 6. Cohabitation caused by a man deceitfully inducing a belief of lawful marriage
  6. 8. To impute someone by words or signs or any other form of representation that can harm or damage a person’s reputation among respectful people.