criminal law

  1. 1. criminal act
  2. 2. if now law exists then no crime occurs
  3. 4. law written so it can apply to anybody at any time for any reason.
  4. 7. elements that must be necessary for conviction
  5. 8. formally admitting guilt
  6. 10. something has happened and someone is criminally responsible
  7. 11. cannot be tried twice for the same crime
  8. 14. laws that make an action done before passing of the law criminal and punishable.
  1. 1. other elements than actus reas and mens rea that define a crime
  2. 3. punishment without a trail
  3. 5. determines factual causality
  4. 6. criminal minnd
  5. 9. victimless crime
  6. 12. the consequence of actions
  7. 13. relationship between mens rea, act, and resulting harm.