Criminal Law

  1. 3. A person that aids another in the _______ of a crime is also guilty of criminal wrongdoing.
  2. 6. obtains property by lying about past or existing facts
  3. 8. people who lie under oath
  4. 10. an agreement between two or more people to commit a crime
  5. 16. disprove, justify or excuse the alleged crime
  6. 17. Breaking the law where there is no risk of being jailed, the defendant is not entitled to a jury trial.
  7. 19. Entering a building without permission when intending to commit a crime.
  8. 21. Taking of another’s property or money by a person to whom it has been entrusted.
  9. 22. requires fundamental fairness in governmental actions
  10. 25. action that hinders the administration of justice. It is a crime punishable by imprisonment.
  11. 26. not intended to commit crime or do evil.
  12. 29. use of the force that appears to be reasonably necessary to the victim to prevent death, serious bodily harm, rape, or kidnapping
  13. 30. unlawfully offering or giving anything of value to influence performance of an official.
  14. 31. can be held criminally responsible when corporate employees commit a crime.
  1. 1. does not know the difference between right or wrong.
  2. 2. competing companies may not cooperate in fixing prices or in dividing sales regions.
  3. 3. offenses against just the victim, not society.
  4. 4. problems with the way evidence is obtained or the way th accused person is arrested, questioned, tried or punished
  5. 5. less serious crime. Punishable by confinement in a county jail for less than one year, by fine or both.
  6. 7. a punishable offense against society
  7. 9. obtaining money or property from a person by wrongful use of force, fear or the power of an office, also known as blackmail
  8. 11. crimes related to computers, digital information, data, identity theft, etc
  9. 12. falsely making or materially altering a writing to defraud another.
  10. 13. Taking of property from another’s person or immediate presence, against the victims will by force or by causing fear.
  11. 14. offenses committed in the business world.
  12. 15. when an accused person agrees to plead guilty to a less serious crime in exchange for having a more serious charge dropped.
  13. 18. A penalty provided by law and imposed by a court
  14. 20. a way to escape criminal liability and must produce the evidence to support any defense.
  15. 23. Wrongful taking of money of personal property belonging to someone else, with intent to deprive the owner of possession.
  16. 24. freedom from prosecution even when one has committed the crime charged.
  17. 27. willful and illegal burning of a building
  18. 28. crime punishable by confinement for more than a year in a state prison or by a fine of more than $1000 or both