Criminal Law

  1. 3. Fear of foreigners
  2. 9. Isolation of infected individuals
  3. 11. Illegal drugs
  4. 12. of Justice Interfering with legal process
  5. 15. Group of impartial decision-makers
  6. 16. Release from custody
  7. 18. Defense Aggressive legal representation
  8. 19. Killing of another person
  9. 23. Illegal agreement
  10. 26. Formal charge
  11. 28. Unlawful physical contact
  12. 29. Organized illegal activity
  13. 31. Serious crime
  1. 1. Lying under oath
  2. 2. Legal authorization to search or arrest
  3. 4. Statements in court
  4. 5. of Proof Legal obligation to prove a case
  5. 6. Destruction of property
  6. 7. Misappropriation of funds
  7. 8. Unintentional killing
  8. 10. Intentional fire-setting
  9. 13. A defendant's proof of absence
  10. 14. Illegal abduction
  11. 17. Theft
  12. 20. Punishmen Death penalty
  13. 21. Fraudulent document creation
  14. 22. Assembly Illegal gathering
  15. 24. Offender Underage lawbreaker
  16. 25. Accused person in court
  17. 27. Legal document requiring presence
  18. 30. Jury Panel to decide if there's enough evidence