  1. 3. Refers to a person who induces an innocent agent to commit the crime.
  2. 5. Implies that a deed may be ascribed to a person as its owner or author.
  3. 6. Defined as hostile and violent on the basis of several factors pertaining to the performer.
  4. 10. Connected with heresy and apostasy it is a form of treason against the divene will.
  5. 11. Vulgar, low, foul, or mean.
  6. 12. The willful killing of the fetus in the uterus.
  7. 18. Refers to the act of introducing any dangerous drug into the body.
  8. 21. Means to determine judicially.
  9. 25. Refers to any bodily, movement tending to produce some effect in the external world.
  10. 26. Is the moving power which implies one to action for a definite result.
  11. 28. To act with treachery.
  12. 31. Refers to the act of taking away a woman from her house or other place.
  13. 32. It includes any kind of structure used for storage of safekeeping.
  14. 33. Refers to more than three armed malefactors acting together in the commission of an offense.
  15. 35. Refers to the intention to do an injury to another.
  16. 36. Refers to the imitation of a genuine or legal coin.
  17. 37. Refers to the act of confinement or restraint upon persons.
  18. 38. Is the suffering that is afflicted by the state for the transgression of a law.
  19. 41. Is meant the obligation of fidelity and obedience.
  20. 42. The annulment or destruction of another law.
  1. 1. Refers to the killing of an individual by treacherous means or design.
  2. 2. Resorting to any devices to councel identity.
  3. 4. A name other than one's own name, an assumed name.
  4. 6. Having knowledge to the commission of the crime and without having participated.
  5. 7. Are person who not being included in Art 17.
  6. 8. Malicious and willful destruction of property by fire.
  7. 9. Person who manages or carries on the gambling.
  8. 13. Refers to one's inability to copulate.
  9. 14. Refers to an act committed or omitted in violation of a public law.
  10. 15. A belief system promulgated by a group.
  11. 16. Acts or omissions punishable by the Revised Penal Code.
  12. 17. Refers to a "public and malicious imputation" of a crime.
  13. 19. Pertains to malice.
  14. 20. Include every right or interest in the land.
  15. 22. Includes any offensive or antagonistic movement or action of any kind.
  16. 23. Refers to anything that occur outside the sway of man's will.
  17. 24. Means to dwell together in the manner as husband and wife, for some period of time.
  18. 27. Refers to unlawful fighting which terrifies others of a reasonably firm character.
  19. 29. Willful desertion or forsaking of parental duties.
  20. 30. Involves intellectual thickery and cunning on the part of the accused.
  21. 34. Act of inducing another to commit a crime.
  22. 39. Refers to a sworn statement in writing.
  23. 40. Refers to a piece of metal stamped with certain marks and made current at a certain value.