Criminal Law 3

  1. 2. Mariah was arguing with her boyfriend Bob and during the argument she grabbed a vase and cracked it on his head causing his death she commited second degree murder with ________.
  2. 5. Jose planned for months the murder of kimberly. He committed ________ murder.
  3. 6. Saleen sees Rachel walking home and Saleen goes after her and stabs her with a knife causing serious bodily injury she commited ______.
  4. 7. causing the death of someone
  5. 9. Mario was driving and did not see a little girl trying to get a cat from the street and ran her over causing her death he commited _______.
  1. 1. Adriana comes to Johns house with the intent to cause bodily injury she committer ______.
  2. 3. Elisa came across her ex best friend Jaslynn and stabbed her causing her death she commited _______ murder.
  3. 4. Britzel was driving in a hurry and did not see Emely walking the crosswalk and caused her death Britzel committed ___________.
  4. 8. with criminal negligence Sheyla sprains Natalia's arm with a bat she commited _____.