Criminal Law

  1. 1. The case that sets out the tests for strict liability
  2. 6. A failure to do something
  3. 8. A case in which the railway keeper did not shut the gate
  4. 10. Is transferred when defendant intends to commit a crime against one person, but inadvertently commits a crime against another person
  5. 11. Form of Liability that does not require Mens Rea
  6. 12. A case in which an on-duty police officer let a man be kicked to death
  7. 13. A case in which the defendant held the victim hostage in a police shoot out
  8. 15. A case in which a 15 year old boy left sulphuric acid in a hand dryer
  9. 18. A case in which the defendant parked on a policeman's foot without realising it but refused to move
  10. 19. A case in which the defendant fell asleep with a lit cigarette and did not put it out
  11. 22. The burden of proof is on this person
  12. 24. Leading case on intention
  13. 26. Also means 'really serious' for s.20 OAPA 1861
  14. 28. Type of recklessness where the defendant knows there is a risk of the consequence happening but takes that risk
  15. 29. An act causing victim to fear infliction of unlawful force
  16. 30. What the Actus Reus and Mens Rea must do for a crime to take place
  1. 2. Mental Element of a Crime
  2. 3. Also known as 'but for' causation
  3. 4. Victim jumped from a car to escape defendant's advances
  4. 5. What the jury are entitled to do if they are sure that death or serious bodily harm was a virtual certainty and the defendant appreciated this was the case
  5. 7. Application of unlawful force to another
  6. 9. A case in which transmitting HIV can be GBH
  7. 11. A case in which a pharmacy dispensed medicines without a prescription
  8. 14. Has to be more than a 'slight' or trifling link
  9. 16. A case in which the victim was subject to silent phone calls
  10. 17. Can only be the mens rea for s.18 OAPA
  11. 20. Break of the skin for s.20 OAPA
  12. 21. Fault Element of a Crime
  13. 23. Also known as indirect intent
  14. 25. A case in which the victim died from rare complications after surgery
  15. 27. Form of recklessness no longer part of criminal law (overruled by G)