✰ Criminal Law and Justice Crossword ✰

  1. 3. The notice requiring a defendant to appear in court.
  2. 6. The individual who the case is conducted against.
  3. 7. of action The basis of any legal action.
  4. 13. An individual who is the first to file a legal case, they are also known as the plaintiff.
  5. 16. The court’s decision on a case.
  6. 17. A written statement made under oath.
  7. 19. The strategy by a legal team to obtain information from the opposing side/team.
  8. 20. This equates to someone not upholding their court order and can result in punishment by the court.
  9. 23. The official written statement made by a court in terms of the case.
  10. 24. A charge or claim on a property that belongs to another, all for the satisfaction of settling a debt or duty.
  11. 26. Another term for divorce, which is the legal ending of a marriage.
  12. 28. When people who were once married get back together with one another.
  13. 30. This is reached when a dispute has been mutually resolved w/o the doing of a judge.
  14. 31. The county where a case should be held.
  15. 32. A type of injury brought upon by negligence or a wrongful act of another person.
  1. 1. se When one is representing themselves in court w/o an attorney.
  2. 2. The formal written statements provided by the parties to a lawsuit explaining their respective claims and defenses that are to be filed with the court.
  3. 4. The form given by someone requiring them to appear in court; is issued by the court.
  4. 5. The official document of a court proceeding.
  5. 8. The act of providing the clerk of court with one’s legal documents.
  6. 9. order Given to an abused spouse who requests their abusive spouse to be removed from their livelihood.
  7. 10. This is what separates different levels of government in terms of what they have power over.
  8. 11. The rules for things such as custody, child support, child visitation, etc., all temporary until the final hearing.
  9. 12. The person responsible for keeping up courtroom procedure and security.
  10. 14. An individual whom a legal case was originally filed against; also known as a defendant.
  11. 15. The public orders that stand as what a citizen should live by and comply to, as they are binding to who they are applied to.
  12. 18. Is used for the purpose of informing and persuading the judge; the written argument given to the court.
  13. 21. witness An individual who possesses the knowledge & experiences necessary to tell their viewpoint on the matter in dispute.
  14. 22. property Means to stand for land or buildings.
  15. 25. These are the people who act as lawyers and attorneys in the courtroom.
  16. 27. The team made up of the plaintiff and the defendant.
  17. 29. A request projected at the court.
  18. 30. When a defendant has personally received a summons to appear in court and their own copy of the plaintiff’s complaint.