Criminal Law Crossword

  1. 2. Purpose or knowledge
  2. 5. Acronym for legal duty to act
  3. 8. Contrue penal codes narrowly in d's favor
  4. 10. Negates all mental states
  5. 13. Intentional asking another to commit crime
  6. 14. Co-felon must do the killing in Felony Murder
  7. 15. Lowest mental state for murder
  8. 17. One type of voluntary manslaughter
  9. 20. Type of causation
  10. 21. What the mental states determine
  1. 1. Defense where society likes the outcome
  2. 2. Public welfare offenses
  3. 3. Cost and benefits argument
  4. 4. Intent to commit object and overt act
  5. 6. Objective and subjective mental state
  6. 7. Lesser included merges into object
  7. 9. Possession by fraud
  8. 11. Possession within arms reach
  9. 12. Serial
  10. 16. Fundamental to American scheme of justice
  11. 18. Malice crime
  12. 19. A morally blameworthy act against society