Criminal Law Crossword

  1. 2. Deliberately setting fire to property
  2. 4. The action of holding someone against their will without the legal authority to do so (two words)
  3. 7. The action of unlawfully taking something from a business without paying for it
  4. 9. Unlawful killing of another person without premeditation.
  5. 11. Unlawful sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person's will and without consent
  6. 14. Unlawful killing of another person with premeditation.
  7. 15. The action of sexual intercourse with consent, but involving one or more persons under the age of consent (two words)
  8. 16. Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain
  9. 17. Unlawfully entering a building to commit a crime, such as theft
  1. 1. The action of deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property
  2. 3. Fraudulent taking of personal property by someone to whom it was entrusted. It is most often associated with the misappropriation of funds
  3. 5. The threat of immediate physical harm
  4. 6. The action of forging or producing a copy of a document, signature, banknote, or work of art
  5. 8. Unwanted, uninvited, and unwelcome and causes nuisance, alarm, or substantial emotional distress
  6. 10. Unlawfully taking property from a person by force or threat of force
  7. 12. The action of abducting someone by force or threat of force and holding them against their will.
  8. 13. Unlawful physical contact