Criminal LAw Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. A solemn promise or declaration, often made under the threat of a penalty.
  2. 5. Adherence to the principles outlined in a constitution, ensuring legal validity.
  3. 6. A person who is fleeing from legal authorities, often to avoid arrest.
  4. 7. The act of threatening to reveal damaging information to coerce or gain something.
  5. 10. The use of physical power or violence to cause harm or control others.
  6. 13. The act of taking possession of personal property unlawfully.
  7. 14. Offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting something of value to influence the actions of an official.
  8. 18. Offering a forged document as genuine with the intent to deceive.
  9. 20. racing/ Illegally racing vehicles on public roads.
  10. 21. The unlawful taking or carrying away of a person by force or threat.
  11. 23. Legal status when a person relies on another for support or care.
  12. 28. option/ The ability of a locality to decide on certain legal issues, often related to alcohol.
  13. 31. The intentional effort to commit a crime, even if the crime is not completed.
  14. 34. The legal authority or power of a court to hear and decide a case.
  15. 35. A consideration or decision made after a criminal act has been committed.
  16. 39. Obtaining something, such as money or property, through force or threats.
  17. 41. The intentional act of setting fire to property, often with criminal intent.
  18. 42. law/ The body of laws governing private disputes between individuals or entities.
  19. 43. Failure to provide proper care or attention, often leading to harm.
  20. 44. The unauthorized reproduction of currency or goods with the intent to deceive.
  21. 46. The unlawful taking of another person's property by force or threat of force.
  22. 52. Goods that are prohibited by law from being imported or exported.
  23. 53. A place where a person resides, often protected by specific legal considerations.
  24. 54. A serious criminal offense, typically punishable by imprisonment for more than one year.
  25. 55. imprisonment/ Illegally restraining or confining someone against their will.
  26. 56. The act of breaking free from confinement or custody.
  27. 57. To remove or reduce the criminal penalties associated with a particular offense.
  28. 58. The method of human communication, often through spoken or written words, used to convey meaning.
  29. 59. Unwanted and repeated behavior intended to disturb or upset.
  30. 60. The crime of taking a person against their will and holding them captive.
  1. 1. An agreement between two or more individuals to commit a crime.
  2. 2. Intentional and unlawful physical contact resulting in harm or offensive touching.
  3. 4. The legal condition or position of an individual, often affecting rights and responsibilities.
  4. 8. The practice of having more than one spouse at the same time.
  5. 9. Persistent and unwanted attention or harassment towards another person.
  6. 11. The violent theft of an occupied vehicle.
  7. 12. The geographical area or district in which a court has jurisdiction over a case.
  8. 15. The purpose or state of mind to commit a wrongful act, often a crucial element in criminal cases.
  9. 16. The creation of a false document with the intent to deceive.
  10. 17. A person who is not yet considered an adult in the eyes of the law.
  11. 19. crime/ Criminal activities involving the use of computers or computer networks.
  12. 22. Causing damage to property by fire.
  13. 24. Failure to exercise reasonable care, resulting in harm or damage.
  14. 25. The act of betting or wagering money on an uncertain outcome.
  15. 26. The process of seeking a higher court's review of a lower court's decision.
  16. 27. A game of chance where participants can win prizes based on random drawings.
  17. 29. A system of rules and regulations established by a community or authority to maintain order.
  18. 30. A classification system for controlled substances based on their potential for abuse.
  19. 32. The act of going into a place with the intent to commit a crime.
  20. 33. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  21. 36. Principles of right and wrong behavior, often influencing ethical decision-making.
  22. 37. Persuasion or enticement, often with the intent of engaging in sexual activity.
  23. 38. The killing of one person by another, either intentionally (murder) or unintentionally (manslaughter).
  24. 40. home/ A legal term referring to a person's residence or habitation.
  25. 45. Being accountable for one's actions or obligations.
  26. 47. Conduct that shows a disregard for the safety or well-being of others.
  27. 48. Sexual relations or marriage between close relatives.
  28. 49. procession/ Unauthorized movement or procession within a restricted area.
  29. 50. Illegally entering a building or property with the intent to commit a crime.
  30. 51. advertising/ Misleading or deceptive promotional material about a product or service.