  1. 1. guilty act
  2. 3. exchange of innocent assumption for promise by prosecution
  3. 4. the process of reentering society following criminal activity
  4. 7. pre-trial court appearance where accused must enter a plea
  5. 10. first filed court document outlining crown's case
  6. 12. less serious crime
  7. 14. municipal statutes governing less serious offences
  8. 16. request by defence to have crown show why an accused is being held in custody
  9. 19. initial assumption of accused under law
  10. 22. type of sentencing factor in favour of defendant
  11. 23. reason to commit a crime
  12. 24. justice system targeting goups by race
  13. 25. means measures outside of court/jail
  14. 26. necessity to prove accused is guilty of criminal offence
  15. 29. acting to protect oneself from harm
  16. 31. crown questions its own witness for a second time
  17. 32. first line of witness questioning
  18. 34. forced unwillingly to commit a crime
  19. 35. mistakenly found guilty
  20. 37. issued by judge after arrest to ensure court appearance
  1. 2. tries all indictable offences
  2. 5. volunteer work to repay society for crime committed
  3. 6. committin a crime while under uncontrollable physical conditions
  4. 8. absolution of crime with no record or conditions
  5. 9. occurs when jury unable to reach unanimous decision
  6. 11. encouraging perpetrator without actual physical assistance
  7. 13. defence lawyer questions crown's witnesses
  8. 15. found to be not guilty due to extenuating circumstances such as mental illness
  9. 17. retribution
  10. 18. may be prosecuted as indictable or summary on crown's discretion
  11. 20. crime of a more serious nature
  12. 21. compensation for the victim
  13. 27. laws and procedures related to crimes by those 12-17 years old
  14. 28. taking every reasonable precaution to avoid committing an offence
  15. 30. guilty mind
  16. 33. matching science and crime scene investigation
  17. 35. grant of judicial authority to arrest or search
  18. 36. final decision in criminal cases