Criminal Law History

  1. 1. document which provides rules dictating how the government may function - create and enforce laws
  2. 6. process of determining how a criminal activity will be punished
  3. 8. document signed by an impartial judge who decides there is enough information proving a search or seizure should occur
  4. 10. lesser criminal offense which is punishable with up to a year in jail
  1. 2. written codes defining a criminal act and providing the standard punishment for the crime.
  2. 3. serious offense which is punishable with > a year in jail
  3. 4. act of purposefully setting an object or structure on fire
  4. 5. First draft of a potential law.
  5. 7. event or action which serves as a guide for future events or actions
  6. 9. change or addition to a constitution.