Criminal Law Intro Vocab

  1. 5. The decision at the end of a case
  2. 6. A case involving someone who is accused of committing a crime
  3. 8. Courts above the trial court
  4. 10. When an appellate court sends a case back to the trial court for a new trial
  5. 11. Objects or information used in court to prove what really happened
  6. 13. Courts that hear cases dealing with laws that apply to the entire United States
  7. 16. Court that hears a case for the first time
  8. 17. When an appellate court overturns the trial court verdict
  1. 1. A trial where only the judge hears the evidence and decides the case
  2. 2. The trial courts in the Federal Court System
  3. 3. A trial where a group of people listen to the evidence and decide the case
  4. 4. The power of the Supreme Court to decide what the constitution really says
  5. 7. Highest court in the land that only reviews some cases, usually about the constitution
  6. 9. Asking a higher court to review a case
  7. 12. Courts that hear disputes about the laws of one state
  8. 14. When an appellate court decides no mistake was made
  9. 15. A case involving a disagreement where one side believes the other side violated their rights