  1. 2. A request by defence counsel that the Judge dismiss the charges against the defendant.
  2. 6. A judicial inquiry to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to put the accused person on trial.
  3. 7. The court official who assists the sheriff
  4. 8. The court official who records everything said in court during a trial
  5. 14. Group of people who decide whether the accused is guilty or not guilty.
  6. 15. Testimony or other proof of whether the accused has a reputation for being of good or bad character in the community
  7. 16. The use of any electronic device to overhear or record communications between two or more people.
  8. 18. The court official responsible for jury management.
  9. 20. A court with jurisdiction to hear civil and criminal cases referred by federal boards, commissions, or tribunals, and to rule on constitutional issues referred by the Attorney General.
  10. 21. The lowest level in the hierarchy of Canadian courts.
  11. 22. The second questioning of a witness to test the accuracy of the testimony; performed by the opposing counsel.
  12. 24. The right of the crown or defence to exclude someone from a jury for a particular reason.
  13. 26. The lawyer representing the government.
  14. 27. A typed record of everything said in court during a trial.
  15. 28. The right of the Crown or the defence to exclude someone from a jury without providing a reason.
  16. 30. A court with the authority to review decisions made by lower courts.
  17. 32. Testimony given by a witness to prove an alleged fact.
  18. 33. Recording a speaker's oral communication by using an electronic device.
  19. 34. A decision by the Judge to withdraw the case from the jury and enter a verdict of not guilty.
  20. 35. When a person’s guilt is almost certain and no logic supports the person’s innocence; guilt is reasoned logically from the evidence or absence of evidence
  21. 39. A court official who has less authority than a judge but can issue warrants and perform some other judicial functions.
  22. 43. A lawyer who defends and accused person on trial.
  23. 45. The first stage of a criminal trial in which the defendant enters a plea to the charge.
  1. 1. The party that responds to an appeal.
  2. 3. The highest appeals court in Canada.
  3. 4. Persons who give evidence while under oath or affirmation in a court of law.
  4. 5. The large group of randomly selected citizens from which jury members are chosen.
  5. 9. A person who applies to a higher court for reversal of the decision of a lower court.
  6. 10. Character evidence used to establish the likelihood that the defendant is the type of person who either would or would not commit a certain offence.
  7. 11. The highest criminal and civil court, consisting of a trial division and an appeal division.
  8. 12. To contradict evidence introduced by the opposing side.
  9. 13. Permission to appeal a decision from a lower court to a higher court.
  10. 17. The remarks that the judge makes to the jury at the end of the trial to instruct them on the law that applies and to tell them how to go about deciding the facts
  11. 19. Information that tends to prove or disprove the elements of an offence.
  12. 23. The first questioning of a witness to determine what he or she observed about the crime.
  13. 25. Evidence given by a witness based on information received from someone else
  14. 29. The Crown's obligation to prove the guilt of the accused beyond a reasonable doubt.
  15. 30. The court official who maintains security in the courtroom
  16. 31. A mini-trial in which jurors are excluded while the admissibility of evidence is discussed.
  17. 36. Person charged with committing a criminal offence. .
  18. 37. An application to a higher court to review the decisions made by a lower court.
  19. 38. The interception of telephone communications.
  20. 39. The court official appointed to try cases in a court of law and to sentence convicted persons.
  21. 40. A reply to the opposing side's rebuttal.
  22. 41. A jury that cannot reach a unanimous verdict.
  23. 42. Knowingly making false statements in court while giving evidence under oath or affirmation.
  24. 43. A lawyer on duty in a courtroom or police station to give free legal advice to persons just arrested or brought before court.
  25. 44. A court order requiring the witness to appear in court on a certain date to give evidence.