Criminal Law Vocabulary

  1. 3. the prevention of something, such as a crime, by having something such as punishment to use as a threat
  2. 5. to enter wrongfully upon land belonging to another
  3. 7. a person who helps another in committing a crime
  4. 8. unlawful killing without malice, either express or implied
  5. 10. to return someone to a normal life after they have been in prison
  6. 12. any formal accusation of crime
  7. 14. a period of time during which a person who has committed a crime has to obey the law and be supervised by a probation officer, rather than being sent to prison
  8. 15. a violent attack, either physical or verbal, rape or attempted rape
  9. 16. a writ issued by a court of justice requiring a person to appear before the court at a specified time
  10. 17. any publication that is injurious to the reputation of the other
  1. 1. the answer made by an accused to the charge
  2. 2. someone who has committed crimes in the past and has begun to commit crimes again
  3. 4. too large or too small in comparison to something else, or not deserving its importance or influence
  4. 6. to seize (property), esp for public use and esp by way of a penalty
  5. 7. try to do something
  6. 9. an official document that gives police officers the authority to search a building for stolen property, illegal goods, or information that might help solve a crime
  7. 11. the judgment formally pronounced upon a person convicted in criminal proceedings
  8. 13. someone who is held prisoner