Criminal Law

  1. 3. reporter The court official who records everything said in court during a trial.
  2. 5. examination The first questioning of a witness to determine what he or she observed about the crime.
  3. 8. jury A jury that cannot reach a unanimous verdict.
  4. 9. of proof The Crown's obligation to prove the guilt of the accused beyond a reasonable doubt.
  5. 11. The court official who assists the sheriff.
  6. 13. hearing A judicial inquiry to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to put the accused person on trial.
  7. 14. examination The second questioning of a witness to test the accuracy of the testimony; performed by the opposing counsel.
  8. 15. Persons who give evidence while under oath or affirmation in a court of law.
  9. 17. counsel A lawyer who defends an accused person on trial.
  1. 1. dire A mini-trial in which jurors are excluded while the admissibility of evidence is discussed.
  2. 2. The court official appointed to try cases in a court of law and to sentence convicted persons.
  3. 3. evidence Indirect evidence that leads to a reasonable inference of the defendant's guilt.
  4. 4. panel The large group of randomly selected citizens from which jury members are chosen.
  5. 6. counsel The lawyer representing the government, responsible for instituting legal proceedings against the accused.
  6. 7. An application to a higher court to review the decision made by a lower court.
  7. 10. Information that tends to prove or disprove the elements of an offence.
  8. 12. In a criminal court, the person charged with committing a criminal offence.
  9. 16. The court official responsible for jury management.