Criminal lessons 1-2

  1. 1. Considered a crime in the UK, but legal in Switzerland.
  2. 4. In Maths, what is 'average' another word for?
  3. 5. A type of question that offers a fixed number of responses.
  4. 7. Some crimes are not reported due to a ........ in the police.
  5. 8. Crimes that result in physical harm or death.
  6. 11. Questionnaires are .......... because it’s easy to compare answers because participants are asked the same questions.
  7. 12. Graffiti is considered an ..................... crime.
  8. 13. Where an individual offers up the information that you need​ via questionnaire or interview.
  9. 16. An interview style where a certain topic will be discussed and interaction tends to be free-flowing.
  10. 17. Any act that is against the law.
  11. 18. A type of interview involving a pre-determined set of questions asked in a fixed order.
  1. 2. Who do the police pass their crime figures to?
  2. 3. Fraud and burglary are types of ......... crime.
  3. 6. A concept that exists as a result of interactions between people who make up a society.
  4. 9. A golden rule of a bar chart is that the title must include your independent and dependent ..........
  5. 10. An alternative to prison.
  6. 14. A weakness of an interview is that participants may ........ in their answers.
  7. 15. A type of question that does not have a fixed range of answers and respondents are free to answer in any way they wish.