Criminal Minds

  1. 4. Free from guilt or wrongdoing; a person not involved in or responsible for a crime.
  2. 5. A person who has suffered harm, injury, or loss as a result of a crime, accident, or other event.
  3. 9. The punishment or penalty imposed on a person convicted of a crime.
  4. 10. The act of taking someone else's property by force or threat of force.
  5. 12. A law enforcement officer trained to investigate and solve crimes.
  6. 13. A formal examination of evidence in a court of law to determine the guilt or innocence of the accused.
  7. 14. A group of individuals selected to hear evidence in a trial and deliver a verdict.
  1. 1. Relating to the application of scientific methods and techniques to investigate crimes.
  2. 2. Someone who sees an event, typically a crime, and can provide information about it.
  3. 3. Someone who sees an event, typically a crime, and can provide information about it.
  4. 6. Taking someone against their will, often for ransom or to exert control.
  5. 7. Someone who sees an event, typically a crime, and can provide information about it.
  6. 8. A person believed to be involved in or connected to a crime.
  7. 11. Breaking into a building or property with the intent to commit a crime, usually theft.