Criminal Minds (serial killers)

  1. 3. phase Where the killer begins losing grip on reality
  2. 6. A deep regret coming from a sense of guilt for past wrongs
  3. 7. Power and influence over others
  4. 9. A condition characterized by abnormal sexual desires
  5. 10. phase When the killer searches for a victim
  6. 12. Of an animal eating a member of the same species
  7. 14. An expert in the scientist study of crime and criminals
  8. 15. phase The emotional high for killers
  1. 1. phase Where the victim is entrapped
  2. 2. triangle Posits that animal cruelty, fire setting, and bed wetting in childhood is indicative of later aggressive and violent behavior in adults.
  3. 4. Phase The killer lures his victim in
  4. 5. Unjustified suspicion and mistrust of other people of their actions
  5. 8. phase Occurs after the killing
  6. 11. The land slopping down to a river or lake
  7. 13. The action of inflicting severe pain or suffering