Criminal Procedure 101

  1. 3. the number of times a defendant can substitute a judge
  2. 6. the number of days in which a preliminary examination must be held if the defendant is held in custody
  3. 7. the acronym for presentence investigation
  4. 8. the kind of sentence that includes a term of confinement in prison followed by a term of extended supervision
  5. 11. judge issues this when defendant fails to appear in court
  6. 12. charging document
  1. 1. the hearing before the judge to determine whether there's probable cause to believe a felony has been committed
  2. 2. the case that requires defense counsel to raise competency if counsel believes the client is not competent to stand trial
  3. 4. the standard of proof in a criminal trial
  4. 5. an application to the court for an order
  5. 7. the type of challenge to remove someone from the jury pool
  6. 9. a statement, other than one made by the declarant while testifying at trial, offered in evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted
  7. 10. monetary conditions of release