Criminal Procedure

  1. 6. a person who is believed to be guilty of committing a crime
  2. 7. a formal statement of a person about something (committed crime or some facts that are somehow connected to committed crime or a person who committed a crime), especially one given in a court of law
  3. 8. the process of learning the condition of an object by qualified professionals and authorized state authorities
  4. 9. a punishment given by a judge in court to a person or organization after they have been found guilty of doing something wrong
  5. 12. a legal representative who officially accuses someone of committing a crime by bringing a case against that person in a court of law
  6. 13. - a person in a criminal case who is accused of having done something illegal and who is one of the parties of the trial
  7. 14. a person who sees an event happening, especially a crime or an accident, who knows something about committed crime
  8. 16. negotiations between the parties with the participation of a mediator in order to settle a dispute by developing a mutually acceptable mediation agreement
  9. 17. a person who is responsible for committing a crime
  10. 18. an official request for something, usually in writing (for example, start the case)
  1. 1. objects, documents, official statements, etc. that are used to prove something is true or not true and to prove if the person is guilty or innocent
  2. 2. one of the types of punishment when a person is officially forced to stay in a certain place
  3. 3. the process of examining a crime, problem, statement, etc. carefully, especially to discover the truth and to find all things connected to the case to help court (judge) making a decision of guilt or innocence
  4. 4. a person who is in charge of a trial in a court and make a decision on guilt or innocence, who decides how a person who is guilty of a crime should be punished
  5. 5. someone who is in prison because he is guilty of a crime
  6. 10. an official document, signed by a judge or other person in authority, that gives the police permission to search someone's home, arrest a person, or take some other action
  7. 11. the act of recognizing and naming someone who committed a crime by other people
  8. 12. a punishment for doing something that is against a law
  9. 15. the process of hearing a case in a court of law so that a judgment can be made