Criminal Procedure in Belarus

  1. 2. the person pursuing an appeal
  2. 4. a physical, property or moral damage subject to monetary measurement
  3. 8. time interval from 22:00 to 06:00 local time
  4. 9. persons in criminal proceedings who perform functions of prosecution and defence
  5. 11. a formal application in writing made to a official body, conducting criminal proceedings
  6. 12. a document that proves the fact of proceedings, the content and results of procedural actions, written in the prescribed manner
  7. 14. a person who has no personal interest in the outcome of the criminal case, who meets the requirements of the law, participates in negotiations between the accused and the victim in order to promote their reconciliation
  8. 15. the judgment that a court formally pronounces after finding a criminal defendant guilty
  1. 1. legal document against a judgment that has not entered into force
  2. 3. a stating that a certain person has committed an illegal act (crime) as well as procedural activities carried out by the prosecution
  3. 5. persons who are related, having common ancestors to great-grandfather and great-grandmother, as well as spouse (wife), close relatives of spouse (wife)
  4. 6. a written acknowledgement of summons to the criminal prosecution body or to the court for the production of procedural actions
  5. 7. close relatives, family members of the victim, civil plaintiff and civil defendant, legal representatives; lawyers, representatives of trade unions and other public associations
  6. 10. procedural activity carried out by the defense in order to refute the suspicion or accusation or mitigate the accusation, ensure the rights and interests of the suspect, the accused, the person who has committed a socially dangerous act
  7. 13. a government lawyer who initiates prosecution of criminal offenses, and presents the case for prosecution in a criminal proceeding