Criminal Procedure in The repablic of Belarus

  1. 6. a complaint against a sentence that has not entered into legal force
  2. 7. is a written notification of a summons to a criminal prosecution body or to a court for the production of procedural actions
  3. 8. a person who performs the functions of prosecution or defense in criminal proceedings on the basis of adversarial proceedings
  4. 10. an allegation (statement) about the commission by a certain person of a specific socially dangerous act provided for by criminal law, made in accordance with the procedure established by the Criminal Procedure Code, as well as procedural activities carried out by the prosecution
  5. 12. a basic law, which sets up the material and procedure norms
  6. 14. a socially dangerous act (action or omission) characterized by the signs provided for by this Code and prohibited by it under threat of punishment
  7. 15. a request addressed to the body conducting the criminal process
  8. 16. a document certifying the fact of production, the content and results of procedural actions, drawn up in accordance with the procedure established by the Civil Procedure Code
  1. 1. any person who has applied to a court or a criminal prosecution body in accordance with the procedure established by this Code for the protection of his actual or alleged right, or who has informed him of a socially dangerous act being prepared, committed or committed, provided for by criminal law
  2. 2. the mental attitude of a person to a socially dangerous act committed, expressed in the form of intent or negligence
  3. 3. documents and items that are an integral part of pre-trial or judicial proceedings or submitted for attachment to them
  4. 4. a person who is not interested in the outcome of a criminal case, meets the requirements of the law, participates in negotiations between the accused and the victim in order to facilitate their contention
  5. 5. a procedural activity carried out by the defense party in order to refute suspicion or accusation or to mitigate charges, to ensure the rights and interests of the suspect, the accused, the person who committed a socially dangerous act
  6. 9. a person to whom, by virtue of a law or agreement, the established right has been transferred directly from another person
  7. 11. a compulsory measure of criminal legal influence applied by a court verdict to a person convicted of a crime and consisting in the deprivation or restriction of the rights and freedoms of the convicted person provided for by law
  8. 13. a decision made by the court of first instance on the guilt or innocence of the accused, on the application or non-application of punishment to him and on other issues to be resolved