Criminal Procedure Vocab Crossword

  1. 3. When a person is charged with a crime, they must answer to that charge in court during an arraignment.
  2. 4. A subpoena is a court order that requires a person to appear before a court, and testify, or produce specified evidence.
  3. 5. An application to the court made by the prosecutor or defense attorney, requesting that the court make a decision on a certain issue before the trial begins.
  4. 9. The trial is a structured process where the facts of a case are presented to a jury, and they decide if the defendant is guilty or not guilty of the charge offered.
  5. 10. An individual (or business) against whom a lawsuit is filed.
  6. 12. A group of people empowered to make findings of fact and render a verdict for trial.
  7. 14. Evidence or arguments introduced to counter, disprove, or contradict the opposing party's evidence or argument, either at trial or in a reply brief.
  8. 15. The amount of money defendants must post to be released from custody until their trial.
  9. 16. An appeal is not another trial but an opportunity for the defendant to try to raise specific errors that might have occurred at trial.
  10. 17. A diversion is an alternative procedure in a criminal case where the prosecution is interrupted through a deal between the defendant and the prosecutor where the prosecutor either dismisses the charges completely or does not bring any charges to begin with.
  11. 18. Bond hearings happen at the beginning of a criminal case and determine whether a person can be released pre-trial.
  12. 19. The process where information about a criminal suspect is entered into the system of a police station or jail after that person's arrest.
  13. 21. A hearing prior to the trial, which all parties involved in the trial attempt to determine the issues, laws, or facts matter, before the court trial.
  14. 23. An adjudication of a criminal defendants guilt.
  15. 25. A charge is a formal accusation of criminal activity.
  1. 1. The pleading that starts a case.
  2. 2. In law, the venue is the location where a case is heard.
  3. 6. A gathering together of facts in a situation which will be tried in a court of law.
  4. 7. Punishment for a crime that is court ordered.
  5. 8. The use of legal authority to deprive a person of their freedom of movement.
  6. 11. The first step in a criminal proceeding where the defendant is brought in front of the court to hear the charges against them and enter a plea.
  7. 13. To consider the facts, the laws and/or other matters, particularly by members of a jury, a panel of judges or by any group including a legislature
  8. 20. A group of people selected to sit on a jury that decide whether the prosecutor's evidence provides probable cause to issue an indictment.
  9. 22. How you gather the evidence you will need to prove your case as a plaintiff, or defeat the plaintiff's case as a defendant.
  10. 24. The formal decision or judgement rendered by a court at the conclusion of a trial or legal proceeding.