Criminal Psychology

  1. 2. A type of bias to favour certain age groups over others.
  2. 4. An abbreviation for the autonomic nervous system.
  3. 6. The gap between two neurons.
  4. 7. Something that reduces the likelhood of a crime being committed.
  5. 11. ........ cortext. The outer layer of the brain important for conscious awareness.
  6. 12. A type of observation where participants are unaware they are being observed.
  7. 14. ,,,,,, (1996). Study that partially supports Eysenck's theory.
  8. 15. A group selected from a larger population.
  9. 17. .... model.
  10. 18. A place where people are confined as a punishment.
  11. 19. ...... system. A neural network that controls emotional expression.
  1. 1. Something you are born with.
  2. 3. A personaity type associated with being confident and sociable.
  3. 5. ........... justice.
  4. 8. A trait measuring how impulsive and aggressive an individual is.
  5. 9. A type of experimental design where participants take part in only one condition.
  6. 10. Refers to behaviours that people learn through experience.
  7. 13. Abbreviation for the system consisting of the brain and spinal cord.
  8. 16. Activation of the nervous system making individuals awake, alert and awake.