Criminal Psychology: Serial Killers

  1. 3. Most common method of male serial killers
  2. 7. Offender who travels outside of their normal activity spaces to commit crimes
  3. 8. Most common motive of female serial killers
  4. 9. Most common method of female serial killers
  5. 10. Personal items that allow the killer to enjoy the memories
  6. 11. Offender who commits crimes outward from their anchor points
  7. 12. Are unique and stable, revealing psychological needs
  1. 1. Most common motive of male serial killers
  2. 2. Refers to common aspects of the criminal’s activities that might change according to circumstances
  3. 4. Process focused, kills are slower paced, and more thought out.
  4. 5. Can become something of a shrine
  5. 6. Focused on action, kills are quick, often messy, and not well planned.