Criminal Vocabulary Terms

  1. 3. Agreeing to plead guilty so you can come off with a lesser charge
  2. 4. Betrayal of one's country by helping its enemies
  3. 5. Formal charge against someone accused of a crime
  4. 6. Money given to court by a defendant as a promise that they will return
  5. 8. Youth judged to be beyond control of their guardian
  6. 12. A legal aper giving police permission to make an arrest or search
  7. 13. Letting an inmate go free to serve their sentence outside of prison
  8. 14. When a person goes free, but must be under supervision of a court official
  1. 1. Taking anything of value that belongs to another person without using violence
  2. 2. Acts that hurt no one except the person who committed them
  3. 3. A good reason to believe you've been involved in a crime
  4. 7. Young person guilty of a crime
  5. 9. Court hearing where defendant is formally charged with a crime and enters plea
  6. 10. Taking someone's money by lying or cheating
  7. 11. Taking something from somebody by force or by threat of violence