Criminal vs Civil Law Crossword

  1. 5. an act or omission that breaks an existing law, harmful to an individual or society and is punishable by law.
  2. 6. an amount of money that one party is ordered to pay to another party for loss or harm suffered.
  3. 7. a penalty imposed by a court of a person guilty of a criminal offence.
  4. 8. a person who is alleged to have breached a civil law and who is being sued by a plaintiff
  5. 10. an area of law that defines the rights and responsibilities of individuals, groups and organisations in society and regulates private disputes.
  6. 11. a person who has been found guilty of a criminal offence by a court
  1. 1. the party that initiates criminal proceedings against the accused on behalf of the state.
  2. 2. an area of law that defines behaviours and conduct that are prohibited (crimes) and outlines sanctions for people who commit them.
  3. 3. any order made by the court that is designed to address a civil wrong or breach.This should provide a legal solution for the plaintiff.
  4. 4. a party who makes a legal claim against another party (i.e. the defendant)
  5. 9. the person who has been charged with a criminal offence