criminal vs law

  1. 2. the killing of one human being by another.
  2. 4. is an attempt to commit battery.
  3. 6. breaking and entering into a house at night with the intent to commit a felony.
  4. 8. willful and malicious burning of the dwelling house of another.
  5. 10. wrongful taking away of another's property who has been entrusted with that property.
  6. 12. the illegal act of paying or giving something of value to public officials to influence their official activity.
  7. 14. forcing oneself onto another for sexual pleasure.
  8. 15. wrongful taking and carrying away of the personal property accompanied by violence and threats.
  1. 1. unlawful removal or restraint of a person against that person's will.
  2. 3. unlawful killing of another human being by another WITH malice aforethought.
  3. 5. the unlawful killing of another human being WITHOUT malice aforethought.
  4. 7. major crime punishable by imprisonment or death.
  5. 9. the false making or changing of a writing with the intent to defraud.
  6. 11. less serious crime with a less severe penalty.
  7. 13. the unlawful touching of another person.