Crisis and Disaster Preparedness

  1. 1. Forced to leave their homes to escape effects of disaster; usually temporary
  2. 5. Phase of disaster where individuals realize the limits of disaster assistance.
  3. 6. A common method of triage for mass-casualty incidents.
  4. 7. Natural or man-made event that causes a level of destruction or emotional trauma.
  5. 10. Phase of disaster involving a range of intense emotional reactions.
  6. 11. Federal agency responsible for assessing and responding to disaster events.
  7. 12. Process of sorting multiple casualties
  8. 13. Lead federal agency for public health and medical services during a public health or medical disaster.
  1. 2. Critical element of the total disaster response.
  2. 3. Type of disaster caused by events such as earthquakes and tsunamis.
  3. 4. Founded in 1881, organization that provides shelter, food, basic health, and mental health services during a disaster.
  4. 8. Registry for persons requiring assistance during a disaster.
  5. 9. Activities that take place before and after disasters to minimize their effects.