Rick Altman, "Crisis Historiography" Keywords by Medha Prasad

  1. 4. attempts to gain control of the new technology
  2. 6. individual developments are measured according to their contributions to one another
  3. 8. the new technology with an already existing medium
  4. 10. reality is constructed socially and physically
  5. 11. concentrating on a historical and cultural understanding of a category
  6. 12. technology is defined by its shared characteristics and components
  7. 13. each event is measured from a single standpoint
  1. 1. new technologies achieve individuation, a stable identity, and commercial success
  2. 2. contribute within a context of already existing standards
  3. 3. negotiated by all those involved in the jurisdictional conflict process
  4. 5. representational technology is both historically and socially contingent
  5. 7. the way in which technology is constructed by its users
  6. 9. the struggle between groups that have something to gain or lose