Criss Crossing Bonds between Dogs and Humans

  1. 3. (2) reason for increased weather disasters
  2. 5. (2) a nighttime ritual for most dogs
  3. 6. name used when Julia is annoyed with Bob
  4. 7. we’ve been throwing it against a wall for a very long time
  5. 8. (2) purpose + getting over transportation fears
  6. 10. (2) very, very convincing
  7. 12. an entitled poodle
  8. 14. known for their stealth
  1. 1. hurricanes are usually named after ________________________
  2. 2. (2) a good place, but scary at the same time
  3. 4. Ivan’s calm, serene nature makes him like a ____________________
  4. 9. (2) Wildworld Zoological Park and Sanctuary
  5. 11. sharp with an undertone of sweetness
  6. 13. cheeky with undertones of wisdom