CRJU/SOCI 304: Exam #2 Review

  1. 5. Which type of determinism argues that while people's behaviors are influenced by their genetics and environments, they still have free will to behave in certain ways.
  2. 9. Unwritten rules within a community enforced by residents.
  3. 10. Biosocial theories argue that genes can be turned on or off, based on environmental conditions. (true/false)
  4. 11. Which type of crime is emotion-based, such as murder or assault?
  5. 13. The ____________ School of thought was formed as many were rejecting Lombroso's Criminal Man and eugenics.
  6. 14. Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory argued that the personality is made up of 3 components: the id, the ego, and the ______________.
  7. 16. Biosocial Theories argue that a solution to crime is __________ intervention programs.
  8. 17. Which type of determinism does Lombroso's Criminal Man assume?
  9. 18. The Classical School argues that it is human nature to be ______________.
  10. 19. According to available evidence, is the death penalty an effective deterrent to homicide? (yes/no)
  11. 23. The Chicago School concluded that the best response is to address ___________, rather than people.
  12. 24. This term refers to the notion of forming the master race, by controlling reproduction and freedom of some types of people. It was the ultimate solution to Lombroso's Criminal Man.
  13. 27. Lombroso argued that _______ intelligence was associated with crime.
  14. 28. Lombroso's Criminal Man argued that people's environments determined their likelihood of committing crime. (true/false)
  15. 29. Which type of crime does rational choice theory most clearly explain?
  16. 31. According to Deterrence Theory, effective punishments must follow 3 principles: Certainty, Celerity (swiftness), and __________.
  17. 32. The element of Situational Crime Prevention which holds that we should make crime as difficult as possible.
  18. 33. Durkheim called the state of normlessness in a community _____________.
  1. 1. ____________ ____________ Theory argues that crime occurs because people resort to any means to achieve the 'American Dream.'
  2. 2. 'Residential ________' is linked to crime within Social Disorganization Theory.
  3. 3. The Classical School was formed after the rejection of the _____________ Perspective.
  4. 4. Durkheim argued that successful communities have a ___________ ___________.
  5. 6. According to Sampson, low crime neighborhoods have low collective efficacy. (true/false)
  6. 7. Situational Crime Prevention includes several methods of target hardening. (true/false)
  7. 8. The foundations of the Chicago School compared neighborhoods to _________ ecology.
  8. 11. People diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder often do not understand others' feelings, meaning that they lack this quality.
  9. 12. ____________ ____________ Theory argues that crime occurs because many poor communities are constantly experiencing population change.
  10. 15. According to the Freud's _____________ Perspective, crime occurs due to an imbalance in one's personality.
  11. 20. To what does the 'G' in 'GxE' refer?
  12. 21. Which type of deterrence does the death penalty aim to achieve?
  13. 22. Which theory argues that crime occurs because people cannot cope with the stress of their lives?
  14. 25. This term refers to the notion that society is broken up by socioeconomic status.
  15. 26. _____________ Theory argues that the CJ system should manipulate punishments to discourage criminal offenders.
  16. 30. Goddard's early research argued that _____ intelligence was associated with crime.